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Drawings | Paintings | Pottery

Fort Davis, Texas

white clouds, green pastures blue mountains landscape painting roxa robison art

TOBE'S GAP, LATE SPRING   24" x 30" oil © Roxa Robison  $4500 more...

roxa robison in blue shirt with son at adobe horno



Gallery owner Roxa Medley Robison has been an artist all her life. The native West Texas rancher/artist follows in the artistic footsteps of both her mother and of her paternal grandmother. 

Old Spanish Trail Gallery and Museum sprang  from a longtime dream shared by Roxa and her daughter Besa: to build an elegant fine art space on the ranch and to share the rich history of generations living on the land in this remote, ruggedly beautifully part of Texas.

Roxa Robison Art

Roxa Medley Robison and her husband Tom Robison raised daughter Besa and son Bill Max to respect the land, the livestock and the ranching way of life. Now, Roxa continues to raise cattle on the same Davis Mountains ranch her grandparents established in Jeff Davis county in 1905. Her greatgrandparents settled in the Texas borderlands in the 1880's, and were among the earliest ranchers in these Texas mountains.

Roxa, an electic artist uses her natural creativity in a variety of artistic mediums, from china painting to oil painting. Her graphite and colored pencil and ink drawings are delicate renderings of nature.


Roxa Robison especially enjoys creating three dimensional works of art, including building the intricately detailed, wildly popular miniature villages of clay luminarias. (See examples of use in the photo adjacent, where Roxa's terracotta creations are about to become serving pieces as well as table decorations for an Old Spanish Trail Gallery and Museum party.)


Roxa's creativity also extends to cooking, sometimes in one of the authentic adobe hornos she and Bill built on the ranch.

Availability of Roxa's original art may vary slightly from that shown here, so feel free to contact OSTG about any artwork that interests you.

cactus cement mixer two women roxa robison gallery groundbreaking
table with terracotta sculptures two women roxa robison in red shirt

Old Spanish Trail Gallery and Museum, LLC 

PO Box 426    401 N Crow's Nest Road     Fort Davis, TX 79734


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