Santa Fe, NM

Margaret O'Donnell left city life behind. In Fort Davis, and now, Santa Fe, she paints ranch country and nature surrounding her mountain home and studio.
The rich vibrancy of soft pastels allows the accomplished draftsman to capture the colors of the high desert in a detailed yet painterly style.
"I was born in Texas in 1972, at the age of 21.
In my previous life, I lived in Iowa, in the midst of tall grass prairies that had been converted into corn and soybean fields. My mother grew up in Nebraska, and lived through the terrible dust storms of the 30's. She thought that the most beautiful things in the Nebraska and Iowa landscapes were the windmills. To her, they represented cool water and a simple way of life.
My mother taught me, my 8 brothers and 5 sisters that beauty could be found in something as ordinary as a dandelion or a shiny black beetle. So when I finally made it to West Texas over a decade ago, I discovered the simple beauty of the grass prairies high in the Davis Mountains--and, the windmills that dot the cattle country.
When I paint a windmill, a flower or a prickly pear, I do so in honor of my mother and of her love for the elegant simplicity of nature."
Feel free to contact the Ft Davis gallery to confirm the availability of any Margaret O'Donnell original landscape painting shown here.