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Western Bronze Sculpture

Keenan, Oklahoma

Portrait of a Mare, a Stephen G Jones bronze sculpture

PORTRAIT OF A MARE   special order may be available   $1700 

The cowboy artist was predominately self-taught.  Notable exceptions included studies under great artists: Mehl Lawson, Randal Dutra, Sandy Scott, John Coleman, Paul Moore and Gerald Balciar, each of whom shared techniques that furthered Stephen's extensive knowledge and skills. 

Stephen Jones


The late Stephen Jones lived and worked on the family ranch in the historical community of Keenan, Oklahoma. Kathy Jones now celebrates her husband's life by sharing his western bronzes and the tradition that inspired them.

Thirty years spent in commercial art as an illustrator and graphics designer continually developed Jones's strong drafting skills, which are instantly apparent in his sculptures. Stephen spent a decade of those years working as a successful fashion designer, and that designer's sense of form and line brings his subjects to life.


No matter the type art Jones was creating, he constantly honed his talents as a sculptor. He credited Hollis Williford and Edward Fraughton for encouragement, guidance, and support as he pursued his passion for sculpting.

Jones was a working ranch cowboy with a proud Cheyenne heritage and  a strong knowledge of today’s American West.. His authentic western background is readily apparent in his sculpture.

 “I love what I do, " Jones said, "and the subjects I study and create. I want my work to expose this.” 

At Old Spanish Trail Gallery and Museum, we believe it does just that, and we are honored to represent his legacy that documents the vanishing frontier history he held dear.

Stephen Jones's artwork has a place in private collections across America and Canada.

Feel free to contact the Ft Davis gallery to confirm the availability of any Stephen Jones sculpture.

Old Spanish Trail Gallery and Museum, LLC 

PO Box 426    401 N Crow's Nest Road     Fort Davis, TX 79734


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